
We can help you claim flight delay compensation from any airline that flies from an airport in Europe. Select your airline from the list below of the most popular airlines - if you dont find yours on the list use our free flight checker which has every airline listed.

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Have you had a flight delay, missed connection, cancelled flight or have been denied boarding in the last 6 years? If so try our free flight checker to see how much you may be entitled to in compensation for you AND your fellow travellers.

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Travel Blog

How much does Ryanair pay for a delayed flight? 02
JAN 25

How much does Ryanair pay for a delayed flight?

How much does Ryanair pay for a delayed flight? If you have been delayed on a Ryanair flight or had one cancelled and want to claim compensation heres what you need to know.

Can I claim for anything if my flight is delayed? 18
DEC 24

Can I claim for anything if my flight is delayed?

Did you know that you may be entitled to claim for more than just the standard flight delay compensation? Including meals, accommodation and transportation costs.

How do I prove my flight was delayed? 11
DEC 24

How do I prove my flight was delayed?

If your flight delay has left you stranded, proving it with evidence like airline communication, flight tracker data, and photos of departure boards is crucial to successfully claim compensation under EU 261.

Adria Airways
Aegean Airlines
Aer Lingus
Aeroflot Russian Airlines